Corporate Laws Services Overview-ROC Compliances
ROC Compliances-The Companies Act, 2013 is an Act enacted by the Parliament of India which governs Incorporation of Companies & Limited Liability Partnerships in India and monitors the operation of companies & limited liability partnerships. The Companies Act has recently replaced by Companies Act, 2013 to make the law more contemporary and relevant to corporate, regulators and Stakeholders in India. This Act is administered by the Government of India through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Offices of Registrar of Companies, Official Liquidators, Public Trustee, Company Law Board, Director of Inspection, etc. The Registrar of Companies (ROC) handles incorporation of new companies and the administration of running companies. We are a CA Firm in Pune and have a dedicated and experienced team for Corporate Law Compliances through which we render expert services and guidance in this sector. We are Chartered Accountant in Vimannagar and we help clients to be rest assured with all the statutory compliances under this Act.
Ours is a firm of Chartered Accountant in Pune who provide robust services which protects a company / limited liability partnership against legal risks and violations and ensure that company / limited liability partnership is operating within the law. We guide management on regulatory and compliance issues to ensure compliance with legal regulations based on our extensive knowledge of business law
Company Law And Secretarial Compliances-ROC Compliances
- Compliances relating to the meeting of Board of Directors, Members, Creditors and etc.
- Filing Annual Return and other related documents with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Registrar of Companies).
- Maintenance of Minutes Books, Statutory Registers and another support service.
- Changing/ Alteration of the name of the Company.
- Alteration of Authorised capital.
- Alteration in the Memorandum of Association of the Company viz. alteration of name, registered office, object or the capital of the Company.
- Alteration in the Articles of Association of the Company.
- Issue/ Allotment of shares and other related compliances.
- Transfer of shares.
- Appointment and Resignation of Director.
- Managerial Remuneration and related compliances.
- Advising on creation, modification and satisfaction of charge.
- Acceptance of Deposits and related compliances.
- Secretarial Audit.
- Compounding of offences.
- Drafting of Directors’ Report, Annual Report, Corporate Governance Report.
- Application for Director’s Identification Number (DIN) and related compliances
- Striking off the Companies.
- Issue of Employee Stock Option Plan, Buy Back of Securities, Right Issue and other related compliances.
- XBRL Filings.
- Other Company Law and Secretarial Compliances.
Statutory Certification
- Signing and certifying the Annual Return of Private & Public Companies.
- Certify compliance of the requirement of the Companies Act, 2013.
- Certify all the documents which are required to be submitted to the Registrar of Companies.
- Certify compliance of requirement under Listing Agreement.
Legal Consultancy
- Drafting Contracts and Legal Agreements.
- Joint Venture Agreements.
- Legal Opinions.
- Labour Laws and Related Matters.
- Drafting of Service Rules and Personnel Policy.
- MOU/Agreements between Shareholders / Business Partners.